Gallery Details
Art Lofts Gallery
Art Lofts
1st Floor
111 North Frances Street
Gallery Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1st Floor
111 North Frances Street
Gallery Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Display Size:
Display Features: Electrical outlets available approximately every 6 feet on walls (every 10-15 feetmain floor), with three rows track lighting.
Display Mediums: 2D, 3D, Multimedia, Other
Accepts Submissions: This gallery space does not accept submissions. Contact the gallery for more information.
Who Can Apply: Undergraduate & MA/MFA students
Deposit Required: No
Labor Provided: This gallery space does not provide installation assistance. Contact the gallery for more information.
Security: Yes
Display Features: Electrical outlets available approximately every 6 feet on walls (every 10-15 feetmain floor), with three rows track lighting.
Display Mediums: 2D, 3D, Multimedia, Other
Accepts Submissions: This gallery space does not accept submissions. Contact the gallery for more information.
Who Can Apply: Undergraduate & MA/MFA students
Deposit Required: No
Labor Provided: This gallery space does not provide installation assistance. Contact the gallery for more information.
Security: Yes
UW/ART Department